
The ApiClient class serves as a way to communicate with the WordPress Rest API.


The ApiClass takes an optional instance of GuzzleHttp\Client. If one is not passed the class wil create one. This allows the ApiClient class to inherent customization and flexibility. For example, out of box the library does not offer logging. However, a logging middleware could easily be added to the GuzzleHttp\Client.


The Auth instances are objects that augment the PSR-7 Request objects to allow access to the WordPress Rest API. An optional AuthInterface object can be passed to the ApiClass via its constructor or via the ->setAuth() method:

use WPRestClient\Core\ApiClient;

# via constructor
$apiClient = new ApiClient('https://wp-example.com', null, $auth);

# via the auth setter

Currently, the library comes with a BasicAuth class that uses username and application password. You can create your own Authentication class to fit your needs. You are invited to submit a PR with your custom Auth class while following our Contribution Guidelines.


Learn more about WordPress Rest API Authentication by visiting the WordPress Rest API Reference.

Api Prefix

Out of box, the ApiClient uses the default api prefix /wp-json/wp/v2/. There are plugins that allow you to change this value and thus, the value can be changed via the setApiPrefix() method:

use WPRestClient\Core\ApiClient;

$apiClient = new ApiClient('https://wp-example.com');

Sending Requests

To send requests via the ApiClient, simply provide an HTTP method, the uri and optional parameters to the sendRequest() method. The method returns an array containing two keys, data and headers. Below are some examples:

# fetch a list of users
$usersResponse = $apiClient->sendRequest('get', '/users');
$users = $usersResponse['data'];

# fetch a list of categories for a specific post
$categoriesResponse = $apiClient->sendRequest('get', '/categories', [ 'post' => 123 ]);
$categories = $categoriesResponse['data'];
$total = $categoriesResponse['headers']['X-WP-Total']

# create a new page called `Hobbies`
$apiClient->sendRequest('post', '/pages', [ 'title' => 'Hobbies' ]);

# change the title of an existing post
$apiClient->sendRequest('put', '/posts', [ 'id' => 123, 'title' => 'A new Title' ]);

# delete an existing tag
$apiClient->sendRequest('delete', '/tag', [ 'id' => 456 ]);