
To get started you will need

  1. WordPress site
  2. A username and an application password

For the rest of this guide we will be using the following credentials:

Name Value
URL https://wp-example.com/
username demouser
application password demopwd

Create an instance of the RepositoryRegistry

use WPRestClient\Core\RegistryFactory;

$registry = RegistryFactory::basicAuthConnection(

The above factory simplifies the following orchestration:

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use WPRestClient\Auth\BasicAuth;
use WPRestClient\Core\ApiClient;
use WPRestClient\Core\RepositoryRegistry;

# create an instance of our http client
$httpClient = new Client();

# create an instance of our authenticator
$auth = new BasicAuth('demouser', 'demopwd');

# with our http client and authenticator create an instance of our api client
$apiClient = new ApiClient('https://wp-example.com', $httpClient, $auth);

# with our api client, client an instance of our registry 
$registry = new RepositoryRegistry($apiClient);

Fetch posts

# fetch the last 10 published posts
    'per_page' => 10,
    'page' => 1,
    'order' => 'desc',
    'orderby' => 'date',
    'status' => 'publish'


For more information on the arguments passed to the fetch() method for posts see rest-api/reference/posts.